====== Local High-scoring Segments for Association ====== LHiSA is an algorithm dedicated to large-scale association studies which aims to identify segments of genome involved in a disease. It is based on Local Score statistic and an automatic selection of the significant segments. Our algorithm is fast and available under different versions: * {{:logiciels:LHiSA.080507.R|LHiSA}} in R (last modification: 07/05/08) >> work for any type of genetic data and sequences of random variables, handle more than one population. * {{:logiciels:lhisa-0.4.tar.gz|LHiSA in C++}} / [[:logiciels:lhisa:help|help]] >> work for case-control data (based on the genotypic chi-square test) or sequences of random variables. * {{:logiciels:lhisa.pdf|tutorial}} (to be completed) **Publication**: * Detecting local high-scoring segments: a first-stage approach for genome-wide association studies. Guedj, Robelin et al. Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology. 2006. 5: Article 22. [[http://www.bepress.com/sagmb/vol5/iss1/art22/|abstract]] **Talk**: * Catching Local Replications: a Local Score-based approach to replicated association studies. Guedj, Wojcik et al. IGES 2006, York (UK). {{:logiciels:iges07.pdf|slides}} **Poster**: * Local Score Statistic : application to large-scale association studies. Guedj, Robelin et al. IGES 2005, Park City (USA). {{:logiciels:lhisa_a4.pdf|pdf}} \\ This work is the result of a collaboration between the Statistique et GĂ©nome lab' and [[http://www.serono.com/|Serono]].