====== Discovering mixnet with a short practice ====== **(requires the installation of gnuplot and Cytoscape)** # upload (remplacer ???? par le numero de version)\\ wget http://stat.genopole.cnrs.fr/_media/logiciels/mixnet/mixnet-1.????.tar.gz # extraction\\ tar zxvf mixnet-1.????.tar.gz # licence\\ cd mixnet-1.0.0\\ more COPYING # compilation and installation\\ ./configure\\ make\\ make install # you get an error if you are not root\\ # you should do the following\\ ./configure --prefix=/yourhome/tmp\\ make install\\ export PATH=$PATH:/yourhome/tmp/bin # help\\ # browse the web\\ mixnet -h\\ man mixnet # Zachary karate club network\\ wget http://stat.genopole.cnrs.fr/_media/logiciels/mixnet/karate.spm\\ mixnet -q 4 karate.spm --undirected\\ xemacs karate_Q4.model\\ mixnet-cl karate_Q4.model\\ mixnet-cl karate_Q4.model\\ mixnet-cl karate_Q4.model --sum # (suite) ICL\\ mixnet -q 1 -Q 15 karate.spm --undirected --improve\\ xemacs karate.likelihoods # (suite) plot\\ gnuplot \\ plot "karate.likelihoods"\\ plot "karate.likelihoods" with lines\\ plot "karate.likelihoods" index 0 w l\\ plot "karate.likelihoods" using ($0+1):($1) index 2 w l\\ # (suite) Cytoscape\\ mixnet-cl karate_Q4.model --cytoscape > karate_Q4.attributes\\ Cytoscape \\ File->Import->Network from table ~> karate.spm\\ File->Import->Nodes attributes ~> karate_Q4.attributes\\ VizMapper->NodeColor then SelectValue->MixNetClass then SelectValue->DiscreteMapping\\ Layout->yFiles->Organic\\ # (suite) simulation\\ mixnet-sim karate_Q4.model -n 50 --undirected\\ mixnet-sim karate_Q4.model -i karate.spm --verbose --undirected > karate_simu.spm\\ mixnet -q 4 karate_simu.spm --undirected\\ mixnet-cl karate_simu_Q4.model --cytoscape > karate_simu_Q4.attributes\\ Cytoscape # Newman football club network (optionnal)\\ wget http://stat.genopole.cnrs.fr/_media/logiciels/mixnet/football.spm\\ mixnet -q 1 -Q 20 football.spm --undirected --improve\\ gnuplot \\ plot "football.likelihoods" using ($0+1):($1) index 2 w l\\ # Sporns macaque cortex network\\ wget http://stat.genopole.cnrs.fr/_media/logiciels/mixnet/cortex.spm # (suite) Cytoscape\\ Cytoscape\\ \\ File->Import->Network from table ~> cortex.spm\\ Layout->yFiles->Organic\\ # (suite) ICL\\ mixnet -q 1 -Q 20 cortex.spm\\ mv cortex.likelihoods cortex.likelihoods.0\\ mixnet -q 1 -Q 20 cortex.spm -I . --improve\\ xemacs cortex_Q8.model # (suite) plot\\ gnuplot \\ plot "cortex.likelihoods.0" using ($0+1):($1) index 0 w l\\ replot "cortex.likelihoods" using ($0+1):($1) index 0 w l\\ plot "cortex.likelihoods" using ($0+1):($1) index 2 w l\\ # (suite) Cytoscape\\ mixnet-cl cortex_Q6.model --cytoscape > cortex_Q6.attributes\\ mixnet-cl cortex_Q8.model --cytoscape > cortex_Q8.attributes\\ Cytoscape\\ \\ File->Import->Nodes attributes ~> cortex_Q6.attributes\\ VizMapper->NodeColor then SelectValue->MixNetClass then SelectValue->DiscreteMapping\\ File->Import->Nodes attributes ~> cortex_Q8.attributes\\ VizMapper->NodeColor then SelectValue->MixNetClass then SelectValue->DiscreteMapping\\ Layout->CytoscapeLayout->DegreeSortedCircleLayout\\ VizMapper->NodeLabel then SelectValue->Degree\\ Layout->yFiles->Organic\\ [[:logiciels:mixnet|Back to MixNet Homepage]].