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MixNet software homepage

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This work results from a collaboration in the Statistics for Systems Biology group between


We present a software package based on a new probabilistic model for random graphs called MixNet (Erdös-Renyi Mixture for Networks). This model is based on the hypothesis that real networks are made of classes which show specific connectivity patterns. We compute algorithms to estimate the model's parameters as well as a statistical criterion ICL to select the number of classes.

Examples on biological networks

We analysed various biological networks and summarize the results here.

The MixNet software package

Running the command line programs

The MixNet package provides two programs :

Read their I/O specifications.

A short practise is also available.

Downloading the latest release

Using the R bindings called Mixer

The Mixer R package allows the use of the basical options of MixNet software and the post-treatment of the results. It is available at the CRAN.

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Main references