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The scoop (Sparse cooperative regression) R
package fits coop-Lasso, group-Lasso and Lasso solution paths for linear regression and logistic regression. The cooperative-Lasso (in short coop-Lasso) may be viewed as a modification of the group-Lasso penalty that promotes sign coherence and that allows zeros within groups.
To install, run R CMD INSTALL scoop_0.x-x.tar.gz
in a terminal (tested on Linux ubuntu and Mac OS 10.6 Snowleopard).
Just launch the demo script linked to the package: in R
library(scoop) demo(basal_tumor)
Launch the following script to produce Figure 5 of the paper (see below). Needs scoop
package installed.
rm(list=ls()) library(scoop) ##BREIMAN Breiman sample generator for testing linear regression. ## [X,Y,BETA] = BREIMAN(CORR,H,T,SEED) produces a sample of 60 (X,Y) ## pairs, of 30 covariates X(i,:) and one explained variable Y(i). ## X is drawn from a multivariate normal distribution N(0,S2), ## where S2(i,j) = CORR^abs(i-j). ## CORR (default = 0) should be in the range [-1 1]; ## Y = X * BETA + EPSILON ## EPSILON is drawn from a normal distribution N(0,1) ## BETA is the sum of three waves centered in 5, 15 and 25: ## BETA(k+i) = C*(H-i)^2 , with abs(i) < H, k = [ 5 15 25], where ## C is a constant such that the R^2 is about 0.75, and ## H (default = 1) is an integer governing the wave width (within-group ## sparsity). H should be in {1,2,3,4,5} (corresponding to {3,9,15,21,27} ## non-zero coefficients). ## T (default = 3) sets the number of active groups. T should be in {1,2,3}. ## Default is the original Breiman setup ## SEED is an optional parameter selecting the seed of the normal ## pseudo-random generator used to generate X and EPSILON. ## References: ## Breiman, L., Heuristics of instability and stabilization in model ## selection, The Annals of Statistics, 24(6), pp 2350--2383, 1996. breiman_coop <- function(corr=0, h=3, T=4, N = 40) { # seed=set.seed(floor(runif(1,1:10000)))) { d <- 90 # variables K <- c(5,14,23,31,40,49,58,67,77,86) # cluster centers X <- matrix(rnorm(N*d),N,d); EXX <- corr^abs(cbind(1:d) %*% rep(1,d)-cbind(rep(1,d)) %*% c(1:d)) out <- eigen(EXX) D <- diag(out$values) V <- out$vectors X <- X %*% sqrt(abs(D)) %*% t(V) # just in case beta <- rep(0,d) for (i in 1:length(K)) { wave <- pmax( 0 , h - abs(cbind(1:d)-K[i]) ) beta <- beta + wave^2 } ## keep only t waves (group sparsity) if (T <=10 & T >= 0) { beta[c((T*9+1):d)] <- 0 } else { stop("T should be in {1,...,10}") } noise <- rnorm(N,0,1) # additive noise beta <- beta %*% sqrt(3/(beta %*% EXX %*% beta)) # beta normalization R2 = 0.75 y <- X %*% beta + noise # compute output R2 <- 1-sum(noise^2)/sum((y-mean(y))^2) return(list(X = X, y = y, beta = beta, R2 = R2)) } ## ==================================================================== rm(list=ls()) library(scoop) source("breiman.R") ## 999 set.seed(111) ## T = 3->8 ## corrélation -: encore pire ## grande dimension ++ ## d = 90, 10 groupes de 9, T groupes actifs ## ## plus h est grand, plus favorable ou group-Lasso ## plus h est petit, plus favorable ou Lasso ## h <- 4 data <- breiman_coop(corr=0.4,h=h,T=3,N=45) x <- data$X y <- c(data$y) beta.star <- data$beta group <- rep(1:10,each=9) ## Lasso cat("\n--------------------\n") cat("Lasso\n") las <- lasso(x, y, intercept=FALSE, lambda.min=0.4) las@group <- group ## Group-Lasso cat("\n--------------\n") cat("Group-Lasso\n") grp <- group.lasso(x, y, group, intercept=FALSE, lambda.min=0.4) ## Coop-Lasso cat("\n--------------------\n") cat("Cooperative-Lasso\n") coo <- coop.lasso(x, y, group, intercept=FALSE, lambda.min=0.4) ## Sparse group-Lasso cat("\n--------------------\n") cat("Sparse group-Lasso\n") sgl <- sparse.group.lasso(x, y, group, intercept=FALSE, lambda.min=0.4) ## compute BIC sgrp <- selection(grp, sigma2=1) scoo <- selection(coo, sigma2=1) slas <- selection(las, sigma2=1) ssgl <- crossval(sgl, K=5) beta.las <- slas$beta.BIC beta.grp <- sgrp$beta.BIC beta.coo <- scoo$beta.BIC beta.sgl1 <- ssgl@beta.1se beta.sgl2 <- ssgl@beta.min lambda.las <- slas$lambda.BIC lambda.grp <- sgrp$lambda.BIC lambda.sgl1 <- ssgl@lambda.1se lambda.sgl2 <- ssgl@lambda.min lambda.coo <- scoo$lambda.BIC t.grp <- "GroupLasso / BIC" t.coo <- "CoopLasso / BIC" t.sgl <- "Sparse Group-Lasso / CV" t.las <- "Lasso / BIC" lim <- range(c(beta.star, beta.las, beta.sgl1, beta.sgl2, beta.grp)) x11(width=7,height=12) par(mfrow=c(4,2)) ## lasso plot(las, main=t.las, lwd=2) abline(v=log10(lambda.las)) plot(beta.las, main="Lasso", pch=16, ylim=lim, cex=2) lines(beta.star, lty=3, col="black", lwd=2) ## group-lasso plot(grp, main=t.grp, lwd=2) abline(v=log10(lambda.grp)) plot(beta.grp, pch=16, main="group", ylim=lim, cex=2) lines(beta.star, lty=3, col="black", lwd=2) ## sparse group-lasso plot(sgl, main=t.sgl, lwd=2, col = 1+c(group), lty = c(group)) abline(v=log10(lambda.sgl1)) abline(v=log10(lambda.sgl2)) plot(beta.sgl1 , pch=16, main="spgroup", ylim=lim, cex=2) lines(beta.star, lty=3, col="black", lwd=2) ## coop lasso plot(coo, main=t.coo, lwd=2) abline(v=log10(lambda.coo)) plot(beta.coo, pch=16, main="coop", ylim=lim, cex=2) lines(beta.star, lty=3, col="black", lwd=2)