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Help: LHiSA in C++

The LHiSA project in C++ is dedicated to users who want to use LHiSA frequently since the implementation (determination of local high-scoring segments and Monte-Carlo simulations) has been optimized to speed its use. It works along with the Templatized C++ Command Line Parser Library (TCLAP - included in the distribution) and the GNU Scientific Library (GSL - required). The executable can be used to perform LHiSA on genetic data or merely to detect local scores in a sequence.

(i) Requirements:

  • automake/autoconf
  • a C/C++ compiler
  • the GNU Scientific Library

(ii) Installation:

  • decompress the archive: tar zxvf lhisa-x.x.tar.gz
  • compile the package: ./configure then make
  • install the program: make install

(iii) Performing LHiSA:

  • executable: lhisa
  • input data file (required): lhisa -i <filename> or lhisa < <filename> or cat <filename> | lhisa

The input data file must be in the trinary genetic data format. Refer here for further details on this format or download the example.

  • output data file (required): lhisa -o <filename> or lhisa > <filename>
  • number of Monte-Carlo simulations (optional): lhisa -n <number> It has an impact on the precision of the p-values. The default value (if not set) is 2000 simulations.
  • threshold or marker level (optional): lhisa -t <value> Threshold upon which we consider that a marker should contribute positively to the score of segment. This level has an impact on the sensibility and specificity of the method. The default value (if not set) is 10%.

(iv) Detecting local scores segments (loss):

  • executable: lhisa -l or lhisa –loss
  • input data file (required): lhisa -i <filename> or lhisa < <filename> or cat <filename> | lhisa The input data file is merely a file with the values (in column) of the sequence to submit. Dowload the example.
  • output data file (required): lhisa -o <filename> or lhisa > <filename>

(v) Other options:

  • help: lhisa -h
  • version: lhisa -v

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logiciels/lhisa/help.txt · Last modified: 2014/11/28 15:51 (external edit)

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